The Sound of the Earth's Clock Ticking Surpasses My Own

June 18, 2020

Today I turn 30.

The life odometer is getting a considerable upgrade. As that left digit flicks from a 2 to a 3, I can already feel my “Self-expectation” kicking into a higher gear. It does something to you psychologically.

So much happened in my 20’s, mostly internally, what felt like decades worth of agonizing, followed by spiritual surrender. I can hardly imagine what the next decade has in store, especially when the fault lines of our civilization are being revealed so dramatically and systems are beginning to collapse.

At the turning of this new decade, I celebrate the hard-earned lessons of my 20’s and pray to make good use of them in my 30’s. May I do my deeper work. May I inhabit the place where Kairos and Chronos intersect, where time and the sublime join, where outer is directed by inner and a n y t h i n g is possible.

This is the decade when adulthood is sealed and mastery is often made, when King uttered his dream and Jung saw his visions and Luther posted his theses and Jesus was nailed.

This is the “prime of life,” when sex hormones rage but the frontal lobes are fully developed, so the libido can be devoted to greater mysteries.

What will I do with this precious decade? How will I participate in the total reinvention of modern living, the only way we will escape destruction?

The sound of the earth’s clock ticking surpasses my own.

I can already see this 3 ain’t fuckin’ around…

The Sound of the Earth's Clock Ticking Surpasses My Own - Juno Effect Added.JPG
Jacob Reid