A Sloughing Off of Old Identities

Oh, hey there. It’s me, the Sacredphrenia guy. You might’ve noticed I made some big project announcements at the beginning of 2023 and then largely vanished from the internet.

So, you might be wondering, what the hell happened?

I had spent the better part of two years drawing up a plan that would enable me to transition away from Sacredphrenia into something else entirely, a creative ecosystem that would help me pay the bills while doing the deep creative work I feel called towards.

I decided to announce that plan to the world to create some social pressure to force me to do it, which has worked for me in the past. It didn’t work this time. Days after making the announcement, major holes began to appear in my blueprint and within weeks, it was necessary to go back to the drawing board entirely.

As they say, the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. And ironically, it’s in the going astray that we often find where we’re going.

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Jacob Reid
My Emerging Creative Ecosystem - Updated

As the world burns, I commit myself to an improbable dream. I pay little attention to the detractors within my own mind who say that it can’t be done or that it’s too little too late.

Nearly four months ago, I posted an outline of this dream and in the ensuing weeks, I had to reckon with the tangled web of ideas I put on the internet for all to see. Announcing these embryonic projects publicly may not have been the most rational decision from a marketing perspective (I ran into someone recently who seemed confounded by my social media behavior) but I know it was necessary for my own clarity as a creator weighing my next career move.

Naturally, as time has passed and I’ve felt further into “my emerging creative ecosystem,” its configuration has mutated. NeuroWater fell away when I realized the opportunity wasn’t for me. NeuroProtocol absorbed into Sane Sapiens, forming a new idea altogether, whose identity I’m keeping a secret for the time being. A Love Letter to Sacredphrenia is evolving into a film that honors sacredphrenia while celebrating what comes after sacredphrenia.

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Jacob Reid
My Emerging Creative Ecosystem

Welcome to the inside of my brain over the last two years.

I’ve been thinking long and hard about what kind of work I want to do, how I can realistically make a good living, where my gifts are most needed.

Four new projects were conceived—A Love Letter to Sacredphrenia, NeuroWater, NeuroProtocol, and Sane Sapiens.

Why so many?

Each project accomplishes something unique and deserves its own independent structure. At the same time, each project is part of a larger creative ecosystem.

The word “ecosystem” is fitting because in a way, it feels like these ideas are alive and selected me as a conduit. I wonder at times if I don’t have the ideas but rather they have me.

Let’s say this is the case, hypothetically. What in the world would they be trying to do? And why recruit me of all people?

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Jacob Reid
A Love Letter to Sacredphrenia

Everything changed when I became a lover of sacredphrenia.

The shadows that had once haunted me became a secret source of strength.

In loving the darkest recesses of my mind, I was able to reencounter my soul’s signature and discover what is uniquely mine to do.

For years, I’ve hinted at an upcoming online course that would elucidate the true causes of “schizophrenia” and the best methods we can use to transmute madness into mysticism.

After running into roadblocks at every turn, I came to the sobering realization that sacredphrenia doesn’t want to be completely solved. She will always elude our best attempts to measure, translate, or decipher her.

And yet, there does seem to be an interior science that increases an initiate’s odds of making it through her afflictions with their mind intact.

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Jacob Reid
Big Announcements

I was silent on social media this last year because my life required more of me.

I had taken a deep inventory of my personal world as part of The Embodied King with Ian Wilkes and acknowledged that my kingdom was in disarray.

An approximation of my inventory: “I’ve come so far, yet how can I really fulfill my mission when I’m barely scraping by financially and my health is tolerable at best?”

The world needs people who have come alive and who have resources to enact their visions.

I needed time away from the distractions of social media and the pressures of being a content creator to get clear on what I’m doing.

So, I got really quiet and listened for the whispers of my calling. The fruits from that decision are too numerous to count, but some of them are summarized in this video.

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Jacob Reid
You Have to Go a Little Crazy to Become Truly Sane

What did you think we were doing when we “lost our minds?"

Of course, we went traveling into the great psychological wilderness, where thoughts are still untamed.

It’s a place the world-devouring machine hasn’t touched, so there are plenty of opportunities to ask the forbidden questions.

Some of us went on astral adventures. Some of us revisited our rocky beginnings.

Some of us spoke with the Creator. Some of us spoke with the Devil.

We needed to find ourselves, so we went searching where you could not follow.

And when a number of us returned, wide-eyed and twice-born, we found this world lacking in sanity, that most precious commodity without which no true civilization is possible.

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Jacob Reid
Your Madness Has Meaning

If I had to summarize Sacredphrenia in a single statement, it might be this:

Your madness has meaning.

In our hyper-sterile modern world, we have lost touch with many important truths, among them the hidden significance of psychosis. Our culture bears the cost.

Unable to recognize the gold buried deep within the shadow of the so-called “schizophrenic,” we dishonor our shamanic origins and unknowingly prevent the cure of our own madness. The madness of civilization.

That is to say, the cure for what ails us lies within the collective unconscious, and those most likely to retrieve said cure must go on a hero’s journey of epic proportions, one that would induce temporary madness in the hardiest of characters, for the psychic sea is full of great trials and tribulations.

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Jacob Reid
The Numinous Approach

“Schizophrenia” becomes sacredphrenia when you no longer approach it as a brain disease but rather as a spiritual dilemma with downstream brain effects. These are spiritual wars taking place inside people, wars we only see the outermost glimpses of.

Those who outwardly seem mildly troubled, inwardly are often engaged in some of the deepest philosophical questions a person can ask, questions that come alive for them in the form of cosmic battles between good and evil, grand sweeping visions of utopias and post-apocalyptic hellscapes, nagging voices that belong to wandering discarnate spirits or exiled parts of the personality.

The mind of a “schizophrenic” is often the mind of someone who can’t look away from whatever is darkest inside themselves or others or the world itself. As highly sensitive souls, they become magnets to some of the densest shadow material one can encounter, and they are in most cases emotionally, intellectually, and energetically underprepared for such heavy lifting.

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Jacob Reid
The Sixties - Part Two

The world is becoming increasingly psychedelic by the day. Whether you choose to imbibe any mind-altering elixirs, you’re still swimming in the same psychic soup as the rest of us, and that soup is fast approaching the boiling point.

In other words, it’s no longer necessary to go looking for some exotic brew to participate in the unprecedented transformation of consciousness that is unfolding. It has arrived on everyone’s doorstep, no matter your age, ethnicity, income, political persuasion, religious beliefs, or any other character details.

As the rampant pace of technology disrupts every industry and extreme weather events threaten our homes and families are torn apart over vaccines, people are having to make existential decisions about which reality tunnel they will inhabit—one that is more fear-based and controlling or one that is more loving and surrendered to the flow of cosmic energies.

In 2019, I wrote that “we’re in the beginning stages of a consciousness revival that will make the ’60’s look like a straight-laced, corporate meeting.” Maybe more people would agree with me now that we’re in 2021.

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Jacob Reid
Waking Down

As my friend and teacher Daniel Crosser said recently, “Some people’s yoga is waking up. Others of us wake down. Getting our roots and getting planted is our whole existence. Then all the ether and all the spiritual goodies get a place to land. They’re waiting to touch down. Waking down is the opposite direction of what other people do.”

A lightbulb turned on when I heard this. Of 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦. There are two fundamental directionalities on the spiritual path. One involves regaining a cosmic lens. The other involves regaining an earthly lens.

The cosmic lens allows us to see the larger picture—the unspeakably magickal nature of Reality, the interconnectedness of all things, the inner world of archetypes and dreams, etc. The earthly lens allows us to focus outwardly on the harder edges of material reality—the maintenance of these meat suits we live in, the complexities of human relationship, the need to put food on the table, etc.

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Jacob Reid
New Pioneers

The sacred stories of our ancestors will help us form the new myths that are needed for our troubled times. Without such myths, we are lost, and have little hope of finding our way. With the right myths, miracles become second nature and the promise of a more beautiful world is restored.

At the beginning of 2021, it dawned on me that Sacredphrenia is about much more than transmuting the state of consciousness we call “schizophrenia.” I asked Spirit to show me what this project is really about, and the answer honestly caused me to question my hard-earned sanity a little.

“You want me to do 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵?“

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Jacob Reid
Don't Like This Post

For the love of God, please don’t.

The narcissism machine doesn’t need your help. It’s doing plenty fine with the billions of users who chase the almighty like each and every day.

It might seem harmless enough, until you realize we live in a culture driven by external validation, and that the like has become one of the main emblems of our insanity.

We speak about social media addiction as though it’s this benign thing. It’s not. I believe it’s slowly eroding our ability to sit still and to engage with nuanced ideas that require sustained attention.

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Jacob Reid
Beyond Sacredphrenia

Sacredphrenia: one man’s attempt to save the world by covertly curing “schizophrenics” in droves, thereby liberating a vast amount of shamanic bandwidth that could be applied toward planetary healing. A gargantuan goal, positively lunatic in its ambition!

In all seriousness, though, was it a bit grandiose? Sure. But so are some of the greatest dreams. They beckon us with their earth-shattering possibility, inspiring us to get off the couch and get some real work done.

In this post, I will be sharing honestly where Sacredphrenia is at and where it’s headed. But first, I’d like to thank each of you who have supported me over the last three years since I first got this wild idea. In 2018, I made a self-portrait containing dozens of people who were instrumental to my healing journey. I could easily make a new self-portrait containing the dozens who have been instrumental to the journey of this unlikely project called Sacredphrenia. Without so many of you, it would not have enjoyed the relative success it has.

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Jacob Reid
Questioning Conspirituality

I’ve gotta be honest, I’m feeling a little QAnon queasy lately. It might have something to do with the fact that my mental breakdown eleven years ago was directly precipitated by exposure to conspiracy theories that were not very different from the kind we see infecting spiritual culture today.

I’ve written elsewhere about how I lost my sanity after becoming involved with an online cult that used sophisticated brainwashing techniques to prey on vulnerable people with weak ego structures. Well, I’m afraid movements like QAnon are employing similar tactics and this partly accounts for the explosion of interest in conspirituality (where conspiracy theories meet spirituality) since the pandemic began.

QAnon tore through some New Age communities like wildfire, and I’ve seen far too little resistance. Some of my own friends sank their teeth into some of these shaggy dog stories and came out conspiritually converted. Part of the problem is that modern spiritual folk have spent so much time dissolving their egos and decoupling from the mainstream, they’ve become more vulnerable to PSYOP manipulation by far right activists.

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Jacob Reid
Emerging From the Smoldering Wreckage of 2020

Remember last New Years’? What wide-eyed children we were.

2020 was supposed to be the year of perfect vision. Instead, it was the year we realized we need the highest-strength prescription glasses available.

Or some really strong third eye drops.

In all honesty, no one could have seen what was coming, a true surprise if ever there was one: a micro-organism brought the macro-organism (world) to its knees. Or, rather, its largely unskillful response to a micro-organism brought the macro-organism to its knees.

And we, the individuals comprising the macro-organism, got stuck with a raw deal.

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Jacob Reid